This is my first attempt at a "blog".. Please don't criticize, I'm just jotting it down. Thanks!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I think I finally got it figured out!

So.. I am converted my edited video.. I'm updating my travel bag/go-to products to have a title and whatnot. I'm just experimenting, don't know if it's gonna work out if I'm going to keep it..

So meanwhile, I tried to upload my video as a .mov file, and... yeah..... it was going to take more than 3 hours to upload.. So i'm trying to upload it as and mpeg1 file.. We'll see, wish me luck...

I'm so not a computer geek, at all..

Here it is!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Video on YT: What's in my makeup bag/Go-To products for face cleansing and makeup

Hello again!
I just posted a new video on YouTube about the contents of my makeup bag that I keep in my purse, and my signature makeup products that I use most often. I hope you go check it out!

Previous video: Tag: What's in my bag?

Next Video: Nail polish collection and recommendations for different colors

**If you have any video request, please comment below!

Find me on YouTube: Sizneralaine
Follow me on Twitter:

I'm baaaaack!

Hello all and welcome to my newly revamped blog. I'm so excited to take on this endeavor of keeping up YT videos and this blog simultaneously. Wish me luck!

My primary goal is to vlog, blog, eat, sleep, breath (haha) beauty and the beauty community. I love all things beautiful, and by beautiful I mean all things in life... Yes I think all things have at least a great potential to be beautiful. :o)

Let me tell you a little bit about myself:
I'm a married mother of two, my children are 8 and 2. I go to school full time and work part time. I'm going to school to be an RN (Registered Nurse). I'm really enjoying school so far... I've been a working mom for such a long time and I thought that it was about time to chose a career that can actually take me places. I've been working for a hospital for 6 years now, so I at least have my foot in the door and am taking steps in the right direction, so that's always good!

My husband and I have been married for nearly 5 years, he is also in school full time for psychology.... Being married to a psych major is another story all in itself. But we'll save that for later. Hahah.....

Anyway, if there are any requests you might have, or anything you want to know just ask!
Thanks fellow beauty lovers!
